Agil Read offers you the possibility of significantly increasing your reading speed.
To do so, it offers you a series of very advanced techniques that include all kinds of methods based on fast reading. Throughout the five lessons in Agil Read, you will have to do several exercises with which you will gradually notice a greater speed.
In order to test your level, you will be able to solve the three included tests. In case you are not satisfied with the final result you will have twenty texts divided between long and short to practice everything you want.
Supported devices include desktop PCs, laptops from various brands such as ASUS, HP, DELL, Acer, Lenovo, MSI, and Ultrabooks. Agil READ is compatible with different Windows operating systems, including Professional, Enterprise, Education, and Home Edition, spanning versions 1507, 1511, 1607, 1703, 1709, 1803, and 1809.